• boze learen


  • Milenallyfreonlike en hege prestaasjes tagelyk: de treflikens fan PVC-lear

    Milenallyfreonlike en hege prestaasjes tagelyk: de treflikens fan PVC-lear

    In today's context of increasing global emphasis on sustainable development and environmental protection, all industries are actively exploring ways to achieve environmental goals while maintaining high performance. As ynnovatyf materiaal, wurdt PVC-lear in favoryt yn moderne ind ...
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  • De tredde generaasje fan keunstmjittige learmiksmeer

    De tredde generaasje fan keunstmjittige learmiksmeer

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  • Keunstmjittich learen vs Echte Leder

    Keunstmjittich learen vs Echte Leder

    Op in tiid as moade en praktyk gean yn 'e hân yn hân, it debat tusken faux lear en echte learer mear en mear ferwaarme. This discussion not only involves the fields of environmental protection, economy and ethics, but also relates to consumers' lifestyle choices....
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  • Is vegan lear in faux-lear?

    Is vegan lear in faux-lear?

    At a time when sustainable development is becoming a global consensus, the traditional leather industry has been criticized for its impact on the environment and animal welfare. Tsjin dizze eftergrûn waard in materiaal neamd "Vegan Leather" ûntstien, bringt oer in griene revolu ...
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  • Evolution út synthetysk lear nei Vegan Leather

    Evolution út synthetysk lear nei Vegan Leather

    The artificial leather industry has undergone a major shift from traditional synthetics to vegan leathers, as awareness of environmental protection grows and consumers desire sustainable products. Dizze evolúsje reflekteart net allinich technologyske foarútgong, mar ekoschaat ...
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  • Hoe lang kin it vegan-lear duorje?

    Hoe lang kin it vegan-lear duorje?

    Hoe lang kin it vegan-lear duorje? With the increase of eco-friendly consciousness, so right now there are many vegan leather products, like vegan leather shoe material, vegan leather jacket, cactus leather products, cactus leather bag, leather vegan belt, apple leather bags, cork ribbon leather...
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  • Vegan Leder en Bio basearre lear

    Vegan Leder en Bio basearre lear

    Vegan leather and Bio based leather Right now many people prefer the eco-friendly leather, so there is a trend rising in the leather industry, what is it? It is it Vegan-lear. De Vegan-learen tassen, de Vegan Leather Shoes, The Vegan Leather Jacket, Leather Roll Jeans, Vegan Leather For Mar ...
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  • Vegan Leder kin tapast wurde op hokker produkten?

    Vegan Leder kin tapast wurde op hokker produkten?

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    Wêrom it Vegan LEATHER SO POOLUBLYJ NIJ? The vegan leather also call bio based leather, refer to raw materials derived wholly or partly from bio-based materials are bio-based products. Op it stuit is it Vegan Leder tige populêr, in protte fabrikanten toant in enoarme belangstelling foar it Vegan-lear oan Mak ...
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  • Wat is solvent-frije pu leder?

    Wat is solvent-frije pu leder?

    Wat is solvent-frije pu leder? Solvent-free PU leather is an environmentally friendly artificial leather that reduces or completely avoids the use of organic solvents in its manufacturing process. Tradisjoneel Pu (Polyurethane) Lederprodukten brûke faaks organyske solvents as diluen ...
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  • Wat is microfiber Leather?

    Wat is microfiber Leather?

    Wat is microfiber Leather? Microfiber leather, also known as synthetic leather or artificial leather, is a type of synthetic material typically made from polyurethane (PU) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It wurdt ferwurke om ferlykbere uterlik en tactile eigenskippen te hawwen oan echte lear. Microfib ...
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  • Wat is pu lear?

    Wat is pu lear?

    Pu-lear wurdt polyurethane leder neamd, dat is in synthetysk leder makke fan makke materiaal fan polyurethane. Pu leather is a common leather, widely used in a variety of industry products, such as clothing, footwear, furniture, automotive interior and accessories, packaging and other industries. Dêrfo ...
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